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Terry Channell
Painting is a visual medium: some thoughts
In viewing my work, a colleague commented ‘you must remember that painting is a visual medium
On Paolozzi, Rauschenberg and Beuys: why paint?
I wish to use my response to these three exhibitions to reflect on what lies beyond my own practice.
Miroslaw Balka and why I paint: reflections on ‘Remembrance of the First Holy Communion’
Miroslaw Balka’s early works ‘explore the imprint of the artist’s past on his adult persona’
Anton Ehrenzweig: this artist’s best friend
Of all of the writers on art I have read – art critics, theorists, philosophers, artists themselves – none has been of as much practical hel
Why I paint
In the Autumn 2017 edition of TATE Etc, there is a brief article by the artist Miroslaw Balka, titled 'You don't need to see a work of...
At last – a chance to paint!
I have a morning in which to paint. For the last 5 or 6 months I have been busy doing everything but paint - building a website,...
Yup’ik dance masks: Heidegger’s theory of art in practice?
The evolution of my artistic practice has introduced me to new ideas and ways of working that have changed me as a person,
“Thinking is a mode of experiencing the world”
In my first blog, I intended to write a measured piece, one that would set the tone for this blog – something about the transition from...
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